Watershed Size: Approximately 554 sq mi / 354,307 acres.

Location: Madison County AL; Lincoln County TN.

Priority Species: 

Crayfish:  Flint River Crayfish.

Fish:  Slackwater Darter, Tuscumbia Darter.

Mussels:  Slippershell Mussell, Tennessee Pigtoe, Spike (H), Snuffbox (H), Shiny Pigtoe (H), Finerayed Pigtoe (H), Longsolid (H), Pink Mucket (H), Alabama Lampmussel (H), Cumberland Moccasinshell (H), Round Hickorynut (H), Ohio Pigtoe (H), Tennessee Clubshell (H), Slabshide Pearlymussel (H), Rabbitsfoot (H), Creeper (H), Pale Lilliput (H), Painted Creekshell (H).

Reptiles and Amphibians:  Tennessee Cave Salamander, Eastern Hellbender.

Snails:  Engraved Elimia, Moss Pyrg.

(H) = Historic (species historically occurred in the SHU or SRRU but, it has either not been collected in a number of years, and may be considered extirpated, or the species could be present but there aren’t recent records to document its presence).