Watershed Size: Approximately 433 sq mi / 276,994 acres.

Location: Lauderdale County AL; Lawrence and Wayne Counties TN.

Priority Species: 

Crayfish:  Tennessee Bottlebrush Crayfish, Depression Crayfish.

Fish:  Streamline Chub, Slackwater Darter, Lollipop Darter, Boulder Darter, Ghost Shiner, Stonecat, Blotchside Logperch, Gilt Darter, Stargazing Minnow, Spotfin Chub (H).

Mussels:  Spike (H), Cumberland Moccasinshell (H), Round Hickorynut (H), Tennessee Pigtoe (H), Painted Creekshell (H).

(H) = Historic (species historically occurred in the SHU or SRRU but, it has either not been collected in a number of years, and may be considered extirpated, or the species could be present but there aren’t recent records to document its presence).