Watershed Size:  Approximately 248 sq mi / 158568 acres. 

Location: Bibb, Chilton, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby and Tuscaloosa Counties AL.

Priority Species:  

Fish: Cahaba Shiner, Frecklebelly madtom, Goldline Darter, Coal Darter, Gulf Sturgeon (H), Blue Shiner (H).

Mussels:  Delicate Spike, Finelined Pocketbook, Southern Sandshell, Orangenacre Mucket, Etowah Heelsplitter, Southern Clubshell, Ovate Clubshell, Rayed Kidneyshell, Alabama Spike (H), Southern Combshell (H), Black Sandshell (H), Alabama Moccasinshell (H), Coosa Moccasinshell (H), Southern Hickorynut (H), Inflated Heelsplitter (H), Southern Purple Lilliput (H).

Reptile and Amphibians: Rainbow Snake.

Snails: Cahaba Pebblesnail, Ample Elimia, Lilyshoals Elimia, Princess Elimia, Cockle Elimia, Puzzle Elimia, Squat Elimia, Watercress Snail, Round Rocksnail, Oblong Elimia, Flat Pebblesnail, Cylindrical Lioplax, Cahaba Pyrg, Cahaba Ancylid.

(H) = Historic (species historically occurred in the SHU or SRRU but, it has either not been collected in a number of years, and may be considered extirpated, or the species could be present but there aren’t recent records to document its presence).

Critical Habitat for:  Alabama Sturgeon, Finelined Pocketbook, Orangenacre Mucket, Alabama Moccasinshell, Upland Combshell, Southern Clubshell, Ovate Clubshell, Southern Acornshell.